Wednesday, March 29, 2006


The THIRD table sent to me from the manufacturer... the first TWO had to be sent back because they were (very) damaged. Now I can finally start drawing real drawerings, not just doodling in a sketchbook on my couch! HOORAY!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

OK OK, still closed for renovations, but....

Couldn't resist posting more geek sketches. Superheroes, zombies, werewolves. Grr. Arggg.

Superham. Posted by Picasa

Tha Bat. Posted by Picasa

Grrr. Arggg. Posted by Picasa

Grrr. Arggg. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 03, 2006


Hey all, just gonna say that I won't be posting for a while... Work and personal stuff is taking up a lot of my time. I've got a new project in the works but it's sure to eat up my recreational hours... and I'm sure it won't be ready to show for a while, but when it does, I'll be posting.

Bye for a while,