Thursday, November 10, 2005

old art- Hulk samples.

Drawing the Hulk rulz because no matter how ridiculously huge you draw his anatomy, it's ok, because, ya know... fuck. He's the Hulk.

But I do hate drawing vehicles. It's painful drawing backgrounds and trucks when all you wanna do is smash puny humans, so to speak.

Looking back on these drawings is pretty humbling, especially the vehicles. The backgrounds I'm OK with, kindof, but the vehicles are embarassing. Look at that army truck! So obvious that I was pulling that fucker out my ass. Bleh.

The most fun panel was the final one on page 4, where Bruce is about to change... I wanted so badly to draw the next page, where he tears shit up, but time was not on my side. I had like a 5 page massive destruction sequence planned.. but never got to it. Oh well. At least I got a pinup/cover of Hulk mayhem.


  1. i love that banner/hulk transition page...feckin' beautimus. I also really like the pose of him just walking. You kick arse mange. plus you have talented siblings...(in a whisper) but you're my favorite....don't tell anyone.

  2. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Damn those are cool. Good call gene, that transition page rocks the casbah. For some reason it reminds me of those hero bear pages where Kunkle draws the stuffed bear transitioning into hero bear. Fucking cool.
