Thursday, February 16, 2006

Batman Posted by Picasa


  1. Nice. I'm digging all the strong angles and points to your figures...there's a lot of strength there.

  2. Dude...that arm...reminds me how Barry Windosor-Smith crafted that one issue of Daredevil eons ago...and that Wolverine story where he fought uh...that girl with the knives for fingers....what's her fucking name...uh...Shasta the Living Mountain or some shit.

    Do up a Daredevil and put some Black Widow stink on it!


  3. DUDE that's my favorite X-Men issue of all time! (Uncanny X-Men #205, to be

    Thanks for the compliment, but I sure have some years to go before getting CLOSE to that Barry Smith gem.

    Daredevil/Black Widow comin' up homey. Complete with stink.

    PS, Lady Deathstrike was her name... yeah I'm a geek.

  4. thank god ya beat me to it..I was grinding my teeth trying not to fanboy the f**k out about that...

  5. I would have fanboy'd fairly easy in my day...but memory is the last thing that's serving me correctly.

    Aging does wonders...I tell ya.

