Monday, April 16, 2012

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

My newest goal- ensure that my brother doesn't take all my hard-earned money.

Let me back up and explain...

I’ve always admired artists who are driven, consistent, and resolute. Artists that follow through, finish their projects and show them to the world. I have many artist friends who have these qualities in spades. It was a hard realization to swallow when I admitted to myself that I was, historically speaking, not one of them.

Back to Lyla and I-- We agreed it was obvious that a new tactic was needed to keep me motivated and on track. I needed deadlines that mattered.

Our idea- what if I were to set up deadlines for my new project, as most creators do, but what if I was to ensure that I lose money each time I missed one? This is how it often works for companies, when they miss a deadline milestone-- why not me?

And I’m not talking 20 bucks or something, ‘cuz the honest and embarrasing truth is that I’ll “lazy” my way right through 20 bucks if given the chance. No, the missed deadline fee had to hurt.

I drew up my schedule, complete with all my projected deadlines, and then enlisted the help of my brother Jordan to act as Mr. Consequences. The agreement is, basically, every time I miss a deadline, I have to pay him $500. Ouch.

Holy shit, $500 for every missed deadline??? Yup. That's the point-- it has to hurt if I miss the deadline (and, it’s a win-win for Jordan- either I make the progress that both he and I want to see, or he gets all my money. Win-win). I call it the “Jordan Gets All Trav’s Money, Trav Dies Penniless and Alone Plan”.

I know, it sounds weird. Wacky. A bit extreme. Definitely outside the norm... But the norm just wasn’t working for me, and I need something does work.

I can assure you all, I don’t just have five hundred dollar stacks laying around. Far from it. This will be painful if I miss a deadline. Even ruinous, if I miss multiple. (Though, if it ends up that I choose to pay out multiple payments of $500 rather than get my ass in gear creating stories, then maybe I’m not the guy I thought I was, and it’s time for some serious soul-searching).

The good news is, thus far, I’ve had an unbelievably productive week! Honest. Swear to God. I’ll post more in detail (and with proof, no less!) on that, very soon...


  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see what your up too Travis.

  2. Thanks Joe! I am feeling pretty confident that it's going to be fun.

  3. awesome idea!! loving this experiment so far and can't wait to see what kinda kickass project(s) come from it dood:)


  4. bwahahahah! I'm gonna be rich! No, but really I hope I don't get a dime. I can't wait for this project!

  5. Thanks Chris, appreciate the supportive comments!

    And Jordan, thanks for being willing to take all my money, haha. So far it's keeping me quite motivated!

  6. It's good to know you have $500 at least. I just worry when you don't. Will Jordan come back to rearrange your kneecaps?

    I hope we never find out.


  7. I also volunteer to take your monies if Jordan needs help. It's for a good cause, and I'm there for you buddy.

  8. Fuck that, I'll only charge you $400. Hire me!

  9. Hey man, I thought I was gonna be the first to say this but it's been said and I'm gonna say it anyway but in a different way... Jordan and I talked, he's suuuuuper busy with everything and needed to subcontract some side work to me. I will take care of the get paid 500 bucks job he was doin previously.

    I can't wait to start working together!:-I

  10. Man, I have some very supportive friends, haha... I'll just ignore the fact that so many of you hope to profit off on my failure. :)

  11. haha naw, just kiddin man. If I were to do that job, I would actually charge a little more than that:\
    All of us are excited! Cause we all think you're the dude!

  12. Thanks homes! I'm excited to see where all this takes me...
